What If...

What if...
...you could type a document in your head and transfer it onto a memory stick or straight onto your computer?

I admit that this concept has crossed my mind before. I have so many stories that bounce around inside my noggin that it would be wonderful to be able to get them all out without struggling to siphon through the junk.

There is one story in particular that I would love to write, but instead I just daydream about it.

How nice would it be to just get it all out and have the computer type it for you.

It makes you wonder if writing style is connected with the idea's themselves or your ability to put them into words. What if the idea was pulled from your mind to be transcribed by someone else? Would it be what you wanted it to be?

I imagine it's probably a lot like when someone you know tries to tell a story but keeps digressing into the unimportant details:

"I was at the store the other day, buying some pickles--dill--for this get together I'm having next week with my mother-in-law,whose flying in just to see us before her trip to South America, and I saw this little boy stuffing his face with a bag of candy he had opened."

Perhaps the brain is like this--full of minutiae--and it's the process of putting thought to paper that acts as a filter?

It might be a lot like trying to put an orchestral performance into words.

What would you like technology to do for you?


Lisa said…
OK - LOVED this post!!! It so makes me laugh that other moms consider things like this. And I swear I can take a 30 second story and turn it into 10 minutes of 'extra' stuff. Nice to know that I'm not alone!

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