Dear Posterity

Great-Grandma W. with possibly your Grandma (insert married name here)
Plinky Prompt: Write a note to a relative who lives 100 years in the future.

To Whom It May Concern:

If you are reading this I am dead. Alright, alright... if you are reading this 100 years from now then I am dead.

Unless, of course, modern medicine has improved to the point that I'm not dead, in which case please shoot me.

So, what is it like to live in 2010? Well, we haven't found a cure for Cancer yet. We haven't found a cure for AIDS and we haven't discovered a cure for a myriad of other diseases and ailments, but medicine is far better than it was 100 years before us. You may think it archaic, but for us we are at the peak of scientific discovery and knowledge.

We are in the middle of a recession that no politician wants to admit is actually happening. Jobs are hard to come by and education is not the commodity it used to be. People are graduating with PhD's to find that they don't have the experience that companies are looking for in new employees. It's a scary time to have a young family and although there are plenty of houses to be had (thanks to the mortgage crash of a few years ago) there isn't really money to buy them.

The United States currently has soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Middle East is unstable, as per the norm, but Israel is still in one piece (is it when you are?) and has managed to keep WW3 from starting on their doorstep.

My current vehicle of choice is a Ford F-150 (four door) and a Mazda Protege. We still drive around on the ground, but we can go 80 MPH on the freeway... which is way better than it was even 50 years before us. Aren't you proud!?

As for family, I suppose I'm something like your great-grandmother. I'm not some wrinkled, white haired old lady just yet. I am alive with life and with raising four young children. I like to sing (when I'm at home without a public audience) and write. I am just starting to see gray hairs and my skin is losing it's firmness (no wrinkles yet though). I can't imagine what it's going to be like to be old, but I admit that I'm nervous.

My favorite songs of current are Love Story by Taylor Swift, Realize by Colbie Calliat and River Flows In You by Yiruma. My favorite books are Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson and pretty much anything else I can get my hands on. My favorite color is (and has been since I was 12) teal green. My lucky number is (and has been since I was 10) ten.

I remember the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11th as if they were just yesterday. I remember the declaration of war on Iraq. I remember the hullabaloo over the Bush v. Gore presidential campaign. I remember alot of things actually since I don't have any brain disintegrating diseases yet (none of which we've found cures for).

I'm sure there is more that I could tell you about, but I can't think of them when my house is such a mess. So I'll go clean and you can go study your history. Start with today (Nov. 3, 2010) we just had an election yesterday and the Republicans took the House. Which is sort of a big deal today, so go find out why.


Grandma W.


Meaghan said…
"My favorite songs of current are Love Story by Taylor Swift, Realize by Colbie Calliat and River Flows In You by Yiruma. My favorite books are Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson and pretty much anything else I can get my hands on. My favorite color is (and has been since I was 12) teal green. My lucky number is (and has been since I was 10) ten."

You are officially my favorite.

Except for the number and the Brandon Sanderson, we are dead on.

And the age of the favorite color, but who counts that ;)
Cannwin said…
The reason you don't love Brandon Sanderson is because you haven't read it yet. You will love him when you do and then we'll be like twins! ;)
Meaghan said…
I just need to read everything :)
Lisa said…
LOVE IT! I think I might have to steal this one!

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