How-To Pretend You Work For Anthropologie

The problem with Anthropologie is that they cost way too much money. WAY TOO MUCH! I mean, come on--these book boxes:

source: Anthropologie
Cost $68-$188!

Do you have that kind of money?

I don't, but you know what I do have? I have a library with a cart full of free books that no one really cares about! So guess what I did... I made my own (and then I gave them away because I really don't have anywhere to put them).

Here's how.

What do you think?


Lady Fromage said…
SOOOO COOL! I can't wait to do this!!
My sister made one of these when we were kids. She was determined to be a spy when she grew up. Looks like motherhood was in the cards instead. I have always loved this idea. Thanks for sharing it with the world.

P.S. Loved your last pic. :)
Pearl said…
Very cool idea!

And you're right -- Anthropologie is ridiculous...

Saimi said…
Such a clever one! Good job!!
Anestazia said…
Hey there! Just wanted to let you know that this project was being featured at Eccentric Delirium! It's not up yet, I have it scheduled to post in the morning, but I wanted to make sure I didn't forget to let you know! If you'd like a button, head on over for the code! :)
Cannwin said…
Woah--Anestazia, thanks! I've never been featured anywhere before.

Anestazia said…
Okay, so remember how I loved this tutorial so much? Well, I picked up a book from the thrift store today so I can make my own! I'll probably blog about it, but I won't forget to send them here!

Anestazia <3
Cannwin said…
Yay! I'm excited to see what you come up with. I've been wondering if it would be possible to talk something like a jigsaw to the book and make the process easier. But I don't have a jigsaw so I don't know. :)

Can't wait to see it.
Whitney said…
OOOH I lOVE your version! The can idea is awesome!

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