Life In a Musical

 Design*Sponge has this themed post they do called 'Living In' where they take a movie and then they find fun things that look like they came right out of the movie. The problem is the things they find are usually expensive, and as I've mentioned before... expensive isn't up my alley right now.

So then I was watching Mary Poppins last night with the kiddos and I was thinking to myself--'That's cute!' or 'Wow, I bet I could make that.'-- and I realized I could do a 'Living In' style blog post that uses the myriad of tutorials and ideas that the great blogosphere has to offer. I could do for the meek and humble what Design*Sponge does for the wealthier. :)

I'm nervous that perhaps I'm stealing their idea. I don't want to be accused of taking their idea, I'm merely bowing to the genius that is them and adapting to my own needs and wants.

That being said, lets get this party started.

What first caught my eye was Mrs. Banks fabulous blue and yellow dress.

Isn't it magnificent!? I love the flowy-ness of the petticoat underneath. Then I got to looking around online and I found a super cute neck ruffle to match! Oh, the joys of living in the cyber era.

After I saw the skirt, I started really looking. I found beauties like this yellow coat:

Which you can knock off with a tutorial like this one: (try it in yellow)

Then, if you crochet you can try your hand out on some Poppin Scarfs.

And finally who can resist a girls dress like this one?
By far the hardest to fine a variation of, but I think I'll do it justice.

Wow. That took a lot more time than I expected. You're lucky I love you all so much. Does this make up for my lousy blogs of late?


Meaghan said…
I love this movie and now that you've brought it to my attention, their clothes! They are so gosh darn cute! :D

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