True-Me Tuesday: The Camera Never Lies

When I get bored I take pictures.... .... .... of me.

It's really just a matter of trying to get the best picture I can. One without a frown, without squinty eyes, without a double chin, and without a cheesy smile.

It's sort of a game for me. Except the outcome is that I have a lot of pictures of myself on my computer--like some sort of narcissist.

Ralexwin teases me about this sometimes. Vicbowin rolls her eyes (and then borrows the camera).

But I can't help myself. When I've posted all my blogs, done all my chores, read all the pages I can read in a day and taken that nap I sometimes take, I inevitably end up pitting myself against the camera.

The sad part is that the camera usually wins.

It's shameful I know. What sort of grown woman spends her time playing with a camera?!

Well, me actually. I'm just glad technology has advanced enough to encompass digital cameras... the price of all that wasted film was getting a little out of hand.

What do you do when you're bored?

Do you think I should make 'True Me Tuesday' a linky party? Would you participate?


Cari Hislop said…
You can never be bored if you own a small camera capable of taking photos of the photographer! ;) I KNOW what you're talking about. I love trying to capture 'the best picture of me ever' (though I do suffer a mild case of narcissism). I think also when I'm overweight (like I am) and so many photos taken by other people make me look awful (and yet when we look in the mirror I don't see that Michelin-woman) there's a need to validate my perceptions. At the end of the day though I love taking pictures of people (as you may have gathered the last time we met) if I'm the only person around...well...that's me in the frame!
Cari Hislop said…
PS my favorite picture of you out of the ones you displayed for the post is the bottom one!
Anonymous said…
Lol. I do this all the time trying to get the perfect twitter or profile pic. I finally went through and deleted some in case someone happened to see my pic files.
Lisa said…
I love that you take self-portraits! My hubby always teases me that my kids will never know they have a mom because I hate having my picture taken! :)

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