10 Things About Me

1. I used to be seriously jealous that my middle name Ann didn't come with an 'e.'

2. My favorite poem is The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes.

3. I like pink more than blue, but blue more than red.

4. I buy a caffeine free Diet Coke every time I go to the grocery store. It used to be just a regular Diet Coke but I'm a complete caffeine addict so I switched over in an attempt to stave off my cravings.

5. When I was eighteen I nearly got a tattoo, but chickened out at the last minute.

6. I used to be jealous of the other kids at school who got to stay home for Strep Throat. Then I got it--and got it again--and got it again--and again--and again. I now get Strep Throat extremely easily.

7. My real name is Charity.

8. I tried to convince my husband to name the Mischievite 'Wentworth', but my husband said that "no son of his was going to be named after a character in a Jane Austen novel."

9. I am 5'10" which is the same height as Michelle Obama, Nicole Kidman, Khloe Kardashian, Queen Latifah and Liv Tyler and means I pretty much just rock.

10. I cried when Sirius Black died. In fact I cry every time Sirius Black dies.


Gr8Life said…
Does it bother you that you were named after a virtue?
I think You are Very VERY LUCKY you get to be 5'10" Do You Feel LUCKY?
Cannwin said…
My name used to bother me, especially in Jr. High when there was an older girl with the same name that was horribly mean to me. Now it doesn't, I actually kind of like it and people remember it which is helpful.

As for my height, I love it! It hides weight very nicely. :)
heather said…
We are kindred spirits, you and I. In case you wondered.
Cannwin said…

I knew it! I always thought maybe so, but now I'm sure. ::sigh:: We totally should meet. :)

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