The Anti-Love Letters Volume 2

Dear (insert old boyfriend here),

I look back on our relationship and the only thing I can say is... what was I thinking?


Better Off Without You

* * *

Dear Creepy Guys #1-52,

I don't know who taught you how to pick up on a girl, but you really need some pointers, like if you're going to start the introduction with a body comment, go for the smile.


Human Being of the XX Variety

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Dear Creepy Guys #53-78,

You should be in prison.


Name Withheld

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Dear Repair Man,

I am capable of thought even the kind that involves nuts and bolts. In fact I'm probably quicker than you are. So let's just cut to the chase shall we.


Rosie the Riveter

* * *

Dear Modern Man,

I'm a perfectly comfortable being your equal as long as the children and I get off the ship first.




Lady Fromage said…
Love this post! and I love the new layout!

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