Groundhog's Day 'WinStyle

Today is the Mischievite's 4th birthday. He crawled into bed with me this morning and I said "Do you know what today is?"

Without hesitation he announced:


So we talked about the day he was born and all the wonderful people who held him when he was a baby. He asked me if he had to get shots like his little sister and I explained how that worked.

Then we just cuddled.

Then the phone rang and I got the pleasure of discovering that the schools were closed for a second day due to 'extreme weather.' Which means it's frickin' cold outside!

Right now it's -8*F but with the windchill making it feels like -28*F.

Poor little Mischievite, we were going to go to lunch with Ralexwin, but not with the whole herd. So we will have to find some other lunch celebration.

I can't believe my boy is 4. He was 3 for so long that it's weird he's finally moved up. I think it must be because his birthday is a bit out there away from everyone else so it feels as if he's a certain age for longer than his siblings.

It makes me almost want another baby.... almost, but not quite.


Meaghan said…
If you have another baby, I'm gonna have to come to see you so I can hold it!! :D
Cari Hislop said…
what an adorable little lad...and his birthday is in the best month of the year! ;)

I hope he has a lovely birfday week!
(I always drag out my birthday celebrations as long as possible)

Great picture the ruffled shadow around his head.
Cannwin said…
haha, Cari--he has a scarf wrapped around his head because he's in the process of being a wise man for our little Nativity Story. :)

He wore it long enough for me to get the picture then tore it off.

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