Love Notes

So I think I just failed one of those life tests that you don't know you've taken until they're over.

Yep. Just had one.

It involved the ladies at church coming up with this idea to write love notes to one another and then on Valentine's Day take the notes, with a bag of candy, to each woman's home.

I will sheepishly admit that I thought the idea was cheesy. I will also admit that I don't do serious cheese. I'll do silly cheese, but not the serious kind.

So I didn't write any notes.... well, I didn't intend to write any notes but I did end up writing two, one of which was for my friend who handed me a pile of papers and told me I was being rude. I wrote her a super cheese note--out of silliness.

Then what happens?

Come on... I know you can guess.------Right.

I got a bunch of love notes, all of which told me how friendly and nice and personable I was.

And all I could think, while reading through my little pile, was of the big, fat, circled, underlined and written in red grade I'd just received.


Boy did I ever bomb that test.

Attention everyone who thinks I'm a great friend... sorry I didn't write you a love note telling you just exactly the same thing. I was resisting the holiday. I was thinking that if I participated I would be labeled a supreme cheese and would never live it down.

Each and every note warmed my heart to bursting and I truly feel like a massive wretch for Scrooging out Valentine's Day.

Does this mean I have to cheerfully participate in a 'What's Your Love Language' test? Or can I just call it good with the public apology?


Polly Blevins said…
I think it is so sad that so many people try to resist Valentines day and/or hate it. I love it. Why shouldn't there be a day to let everyone you love know them?
Michelle H said…
There is no way I would have wanted to do that either...more out of fear that I'd be nice to all these ladies and then find out not a single woman I know thinks I'm doing anything right :)
Lisa said…
I'm with Michelle. I resist those kinds of cheese too!!
Stacey said…
Great post! I'm a Scrooge when it comes to V-Day too. I love my family and friends EVERY day...not just on the 14th of February.
<3 your blog!
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