My Baby is Super Cute When:

...she sits on top of a box and her legs are to short to reach the ground.

...she walks past the garbage can, looks inside and for no reason at all drops whatever she's holding in.

...she has her hair in pig tails.

...her brother is making a ruckus during diaper changing time and she looks across at him and hollars "Daaawwwp!" (which means stop)

...she can be heard on the other side of the house clomping around in her dad's cowboy boots.

...her friend 'L' comes over and they run to each other and kiss. the middle of the night, after infinite minutes of crying I pull her out of her crib and she folds herself into me and immediately falls asleep.

...she smiles her cheese smile that scrunches her eyes shut.

...she tells jokes in jibberish, then laughs at them.

...she helps clean up the table.

...she tries to hold her own around her older siblings.

...she attempts to inflict pain on me by hitting.

...she actually finds a spot and stays there during Hide & Seek.

...she cries at the door (coat in hand) whenever I leave.

...she shakes her cute little bum when there's music playing.

...she gives me kisses.


Meaghan said…
Ah!! I think Remewin is the CUTEST baby I've ever seen :)
Anonymous said…
She is adorable!!!

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