New Design Input... Please?

I've been toying around with some new designs for my blog (someday maybe I'll pay someone to do it for me) and have come up with a few that might be acceptable alternatives to the one I have going on right now.

But I thought I'd run them past you, my readers, and see what you think. Be sure to leave a comment and tell me what you like, dislike, wish all blogs had and which of the options appeals to you.

Ready? Be sure to click on each one to make them larger.

Option #1
 I like this one alot, but my friend says it's not personal enough and you don't learn anything about me. Vicbowin says she loves it. What do you think?

Option #2
 Not a big fan of this one. I'm okay with the header (I like the picture of me) but feel it's a bit thrown together.

Option #3
Trying to find enough red to make this one work (but not so much as to be overwhelming) was difficult. I like the result, but I think the wording on the header looks cramped.


Meaghan said…
I like them in this order:
3, 1, 2.

I think the third one would look awesome with red!

If you do decide using the second one, I'd put in more color in like in the header or something.
Anonymous said…
I do love the 3rd!! :)
K Lind said…
I really like number one. Although, I agree with your friend about not being personal enough. I really like number three too!
Anonymous said…
2, 3, then 1. Maybe get some color in the 2nd one. I'd read either way though. :)
Claire said…
I love love love #1. A combination of the header from two and the color scheme from one might be good and more personalized. Dunno. I just really like #1.
Carrie said…
I really love the first and am immediately drawn to it. However, the 3rd one is nice as well because it is more personalized..only I prefer just the 1st picture with you and the kids.
heather said…
I like 2 and 1. 3 is too cramped.
The Tripps said…
I really like option the colors. Could you add pictures in?

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