Glitter Me

Recently on this other blog that I adore (Pugley Pixel) she had a mini tutorial on how to make digital glitter. Now, seeing as how I'm like a crow and attracted to all things shiny, I just had to give it a try. The problem is that I don't have Photoshop, I have GIMP--which is the freeware version of Photoshop and is slightly different.

When I go to use GIMP I have to figure out the equivalent wording for any Photoshop tutorials. Plus, if I'm entirely honest, I really don't know what I'm doing, nor am I very good at it.

So for two days I spent all of my free-time (and perhaps maybe a teensy bit of not free-time) trying to attain glitter perfection.

Then, when I had satisfied my curiosity, I became aware of one glaring problem with my project. I had nothing to really show for it! I may have accomplished my goal but where was I going to put it? What was I going to use it for?

I was left feeling slightly deflated until a new friend suggested that I blog about it.


So here's what I did:
Successful attempt #1

Successful attempt #2 

What do you think? Glitter? Not glitter?

And what should I do with it? Anyone want one?

PS. In the near future Blogger Buzz is going to start accepting nominations for great blogs to feature. Since I know you guys all love my blog so much and are constantly telling me I'm the best kept secret in the blogging world I thought you might want to know about this turn of events. ::wink-wink-nudge-nudge::


mandi said…
Definitely glitter! I love it. I agree that the bottom one looks better, but I think it's just because it has more sparkle. I don't think it looks like cork board so much. If you were so inclined I think a small tweak would make the top one just as great. Thanks for the link. I think I'm going to make some arrows now. How have I lived without them?

Cannwin said…
@mandi Ooh, glitter arrows. That does sound fun. :)
Gr8Life said…
Good job! I love playing with digital stuff. wish I could fit it in more often than I do.

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