Give Me Land Lots of Land

Everything that runs along the horizon line of these photographs belongs to Ralexwin and his siblings (roughly).

Nearly 600 acres.

So... what do you suppose a person does with something like that?

How does one use an inheritance of land?

Because we sure can't camp on every inch of it and somehow it feels wasted if it's not used (is that American or what?)

What would you do?


Cari Hislop said…
1) You could keep a lot of goats and charge people to come play Heidi (charge them extra for the souvenir wooden bowl and the goat milk/goat cheese) The fact it's not in Switzerland is another story.

2) You could mine it...if you own the mineral might contain some of the rarest gemstones in the world! One of the rarest is found in Utah...can't remember what it's called.

3) Start a story telling retreat for authors who need some hiking, cliff dangling, socializing (you could show Romancing the Stone on the last night). On second thought, call the retreat Romancing the Stone (the place is on a big stony mountain right?) and make it a retreat for writers who need to experience various "Western" or Pioneer experiences: living in a covered wagon, riding horses/donkeys, eating over a buffulo-chip fire, panning for gold if you have a stream...throw in some story-telling exercises (around the camp fire wile eating smores) and voila...customers cometh...I'd come and I don't even write Westerns. You could even have special gatherings for lonely Cowboys looking for love...hence single cowboy romance readers! Endless possibilities...

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