Just an Observer

One of the things I love (kinda hate) about kids is how absolutely unconnected they are with the world. They never notice anything, or rather, they never care about the things they notice.

Take this photo for instance. A simple, "Hey mom, the babies asleep," would have been appropriate at this point... but does anyone mention it to me?

No way! This TV show's way to interesting to be bothered by little things.

Admittedly in this case I was more than okay with her falling asleep since it was bedtime, but the image of moments before this picture was of three older siblings crowded around her completely oblivious to the fact she'd nodded off.

Even a little, "Hey mom! Great photo opportunity, come see!" would have been nice.

But no, Perry the platypus was saving the world, and that's much more important.

Of course, they all looked adorable cuddled up together on that couch, regardless of which ones had fallen asleep. I love seeing my kids peaceful and in love with one another.

Heck, I just love my kids.


Ashy said…
These kinds of things make me wonder what my future kids will do someday...

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