The World

We spent the weekend up on the 'Mountain' again this weekend.

 Ralexwin is leaving for Texas and won't be home for 6 months (except maybe for a vacation). So we took the last weekend we had together and went up to see the views.

This is one of those views.
These are called 'The Fingers' and can be seen from several points on the family land.

They are breathtaking to behold and often make me wish I were an explorer in a strange new world.

I can probably come up with a million tiny stories every single time I see these monuments to God's talent, but my favorite story is the one about the boy who fell in love with a girl. 

Like most boys, he promised her the world and, even though she knew how hard the world was to catch, she accepted.

Life moved along, and the girl forgot about the promise of the boy. She was busy raising his children and cooking his dinners and kissing him goodbye more often than she liked.

Then one day he drove her high up into the mountains, over bumpy roads and past steep canyons, and, even though she had other things she could be doing, she came along because she liked being with the boy and having her hand cradled in his. 

The kids were all in the back of the truck and she could hear them laughing and giggling as they bounced over nearly forgotten roads. The girl smiled at the sound but the boy didn't seem to notice, he was so intent on his task.

Finally, they came to a meadow and the boy tugged the girl out of the car while the kids all scrambled down from their perches.

Then, with her children spread out around her, the boy showed the girl the view. As she beheld the miles and miles of majesty, the girl realized that the boy had just given her the world.


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