Death Row

The other day my brother-in-law emailed me this suggestion for a blog post:

How about you blog about if you were on death row and you can pick your last meal any thing in the world.  What would it be.  And you might say what crime you committed to get you to death row.


Well, can I tell you that my answer to this question might make you guys laugh.

My last meal would have to include a fantastic plate of Mashed Potatoes.

Yep... Mashed Potatoes... I'm a total sucker for them.

I told my friend the other day that MP's are like food sex to me. ::blush:: (Did I just use the word sex?!)

I L-O-V-E them!

Meat and Potatoes are one of my favorite meals.

And as for what I'd have done?

What are my options? Murder?

Hmm, I suppose there's a few people I might like to see 'off'ed'

What about you?


Meaghan said…
I'm a chronic Jay-walker. Someday, I'll come to regret this, but now I'm invincible!!!


My last meal would be... A lot of things! Why hold back the calories and fat if it's not gonna matter?!?

So probably lots of Shellfish and Crab and Green Bean Casserole (tee hee! I love that stuff!!)and paella, spankopita, olives, LOTS of pineapple, and many foreign foods I've never tried.

But most importantly, the Green Bean Casserole. With a lot of french onion crunchies on top :)
Cannwin said…
OOh, I'd probably have alfredo. Chicken alfredo or crab alredo... or both.

Hmm, I want alfredo right now.
Rob-bear said…
The law has just been changed in Texas. You don't get to choose your last meal any more. It's a deficit reduction thing.
Really, Cannwin, you can trust the Bear on this one. Sadly.
Cari Hislop said…
Last meal would have to include a Baskin Robbins double scoop chocolate mouse royale sundae! (Or a pint of chocolate mouse royale along with a small container with a dozen maraschino cherries and a shaker of whip cream. And a spoon!

A quality cheese burger with fries and ranch dressing. A large iced mug of A&W sugar free Rootbeer

I think half a dozen vicodin (to be taken near the end of the meal) and some soothing music might also be in order.

I'd be innocent of course!
Cannwin said…
No last meals!?!?!? That's just wrong!

And Cari, good idea on the Vicodin.

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