
Last week Remewin did something that I've never actually dealt with  in a child before--she cut her hair.

I gotta tell you, I nearly cried. I've been growing out her luscious locks since she was born and in one moment the entire left side was gone.

So... after a few days of talking myself into it, I got the courage up to cut it to her shoulders and blend in the chop.

Today I came down to my room after my shower and found a huge clump of hair waiting for me by my desk. I thought, I hoped, I'd just missed picking it up last week (even though I've vacuumed since then) but no....

Remewin cut her hair again.

This time I'm not sure what I'm going to do short of boy cutting it.

I may cry.


Anonymous said…
That is a beautiful photo!
Cannwin said…
Thanks Sarah! I consider that a great compliment coming from the source it does! :)
Meaghan said…
Have you cut it?? Where is it now??
Cannwin said…
I cut it... it's now in the garbage. haha!

I cut it so that it sort of curved from her ears down to her shoulders in a big half circle. Which looked better than it sounds.

She cut it again to above one ear.... I really don't know what i'm going to do with it this time.
mandi said…
The thing that stinks the most about this is that she's really too little to understand.

At our house scissors and hair have no association. The boys get their hair cut with clippers. I lock the door when I trim my bangs. The girl had never even had a trim. Until about three weeks ago. When she did it herself. I decided to still stick to my guns and I took her to a place to get it fixed and made sure the lady let her know that only people who go to special school to cut hair are allowed to do it. The lady was wonderful. So far so good. Crossing all fingers and toes.
Meaghan said…
So she has cut it three times now?
Cannwin said…
just twice.... well, it's been cut three times, once by her, then once by me, then once by her again... it'll be four times when I decide what to do with it all.
Rob-bear said…
Oh, for heaven's sakes. It's only hair. I shed a ton of it every spring.
Oh, wait. Oh, dear! I just remembered.
Human females are often very particular about their hair. Hmmmm.
Sorry that Remewin had those hairy misadventures. Hope you pieced things together, or made up for the deficiency in some way.
Blessings and Bear hugs in an "interesting" time.

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