Off And Away

I'm not around today... at all. I've gone down to Las Vegas for a doctors appointment. That's 2 hours there and 2 hours home. I really ought to stop at Nellis Air Force Base while I'm there and hit up the PX, but I probably won't.

Either way, I'm not here... I'm there and I've farmed out my kids so that I could be there.

So until tomorrow enjoy this video.

Unless of course, you're offended by people flipping other people off... then don't watch this video.

This is my friend, her husband and myself at a "parade" in town (it was really just a commemorative wagon train that pulled into town and my friends family was in it).

If you can't hear... her husband asks me how good I am at editing video.


Rob-bear said…
Sorry to hear that you have to travel two hours, each way, to see a doctor.
Hope things go well! (Actually that should be "things went well," because you won't see this until after you've seen the doc.)
Blessings and Bear hugs for a peculiar Canadian creature.

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