52 Photos #32

On Monday I started college officially. I had four classes and tried my darndest not to look over-eager.

Vicbowin told me I looked too pretty to be going to school.

My friends husband said I looked too nervous.

But no one said I looked too old, or too eager, or too out of place.

In fact, I'm pretty sure that the only people who even noticed my existence were the other people my age. Like a silent acknowledgement that we aren't alone on campus--even if that realization is coming from a professor.

It's been nice so far.

In fact, I'd go so far as to say, I LOVE IT!


mandi said…
Yay! So happy to hear it!
Cari Hislop said…
It'll be really good! Brains are like roses...they need tending to reach their full potential. Your excellent brain will soon start blooming in abundance, but at the end of the process you'll probably find that what you've really learned wasn't on any of the tests. You will have learned to see different viewpoints, new possibilities and bigger horizons!

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