Well.... Now We're In It

So, now that you know my biggest secret. And now that I know that everyone already pretty much had it figured out and I really didn't surprise anyone (boy was that a waste of stress!) I thought I'd approach the subject again with some new information I was reading about in the New York Times the other day.

Yes, yes... I'm a New York Times snob... as of like three days ago even! (it's because I can get them for free at the school!)

Anyway....The CDC, last week changed the definition of rape to include a much wider range of assault.

This is HUGE!

This changes the statistics on rape considerably. Especially when it concerns males.With the new findings some statistics estimate that the number of men raped rises from 1 in 71 to anywhere between 1 in 33 to 1 in 6.

You can see the ramifications of such a definition change. Sexual assault of men is something that our society rarely talks about... and yet we see that it is as much of a problem as with women.

This is a difficult topic to discuss, I know, but I cannot even begin to tell you how important it is to know these things. When it comes to sexual assault and abuse the number one defense you have for yourself and your children is knowledge.

Sexual crimes are crimes of secrecy and leave a darkness that permeates throughout lifetimes, but with knowledge and light it is possible to combat and overcome such victimization.  Please, take the time to study up on protecting yourself and your children. For me. :)

Thats all for now.


Rob-bear said…
You are one very gutsy woman! Your husband and children are so fortunate to have you in their lives. I'm glad you have the courage to do what you are doing.

BTW, Have you met up with Sonia and others at GUTSY LIVING (http://soniamarsh.com/blog)? If not, I'd encourage you to check out some of the things that she, and others, are doing. I feel that you would fit right in there.
Tracie said…
Thank you for being so brave, I am hoping it will help me understand my own life better.

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