
Ralexwin is taking the kidlets camping this weekend. This leaves me with absolutely nothing to do for three whole days.

I can't believe how much I dread them being gone. Like my purpose for being is going in vacation. I seriously need to expand my pool of friends but for the life of me I can't seem to do it. It's like in the years of just finding friends at church I've completely lost the ability to do so in any other way. Well I suppose that and now everyone who is my age has other obligations beyond keeping me families.

So... I will probably stay home and clean the house and do homework and try not to be lonely.

My best friend says that when her son is with his dad she tries her hardest not to go home until the last possible minute every night.

Maybe that's what I will learn to do.

What ate you doing this weekend?


Rob-bear said…
Well, I suppose if all else fails, you could visit a few on-line type friends.

Well, ah, um . . . maybe. Sometimes we can be as dull as dishwater, too.

And then, you might even find a Bear, in the Great White North. On a cloudy, windy, perhaps snowy day.

I trust you no longer smell like onions.

Blessings and Bear hugs.
Claire said…
I highly recommend eating stuff the kids don't like (or stuff you can't afford to feed 5 people, but can afford one :P), getting lost in a good book, a long, relaxing bath, a thorough night's sleep, and craft projects galore. I didn't go to church for 8 years, and the only people I ever got to know were people from work and friends of my old high school friends. I have NO CLUE how to make friends as an adult outside of those ways (and church now) but I think it is hard to build very meaningful friendships as an adult because everyone does have family/work/already established friendships that absorb all the time they have. Friendship building does require a bit of time investment.
I can't even imagine what it would be like to redefine yourself in this way. I don't mean to sound cruel at all, but is it liberating in the slightest?

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