January: Time for Resolve or Time for Expletives?

If you've been around the blogs lately you'll notice a common theme. One of those annoying themes that no one seems to be able to break away from. As if it is some sort of requirement that everyone discuss that particular topic.

Yes... I'm talking about New Years Resolutions (NYR).

I'm not an NYR sort of person. I figure if I'm going to change myself for the better I should change who I am always and not just at the beginning of the year. I know, I know, that's not exactly the concept but I'm going with it anyway.

So as everyone else has been spending the last week making lists and checking them twice (admit it, you won't check a third time), I've been spending my mornings digging through piles of clothes.

Piles of clothes?

Sounds odd, but it's what happens when you go on vacation for two weeks to the Southwest then return to the Northern-Midwest. We went from 60*F weather to -11*F and seem to have lost some fairly important articles of clothing along the way.

Why is it so hard for kids to keep track of gloves!? This morning after I sent Albowin off to school in my very own favorite pair I turned to Ralexwin and said, "I need to go buy him some gloves today."

Ralexwin sagely adviced, "You should buy four or five pairs, just in case."

Normally I am grateful for any defensive parenting tips but I was having none of it this morning. "I already did." I grumbled.

Which is true. I already have! I've bought six or seven pairs. In fact they were all a dollar a pair so I stocked up. But can we find any?

Oh, no. That would be way to easy.

I think we must have an infestation of cold weather gnomes. You know, the ones that steal things like socks and hats and gloves. Surely after swimming through all of that fabric I would have found at least one matching set. It has to be gnomes. What other possible explanation could there be?


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