Funny things the kids say part 2

Backstory- My son has this swollen, infected growth on his leg (yes sounds lovely... believe me it's worse than it sounds) and yesterday before we went to the doctor about it I heard this.

To the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell"

Sharks are full of blood,
Lizards are full of blood
Carrots are not full of blood
but my bump is full of blood!

Frogs are full of blood,
Boys are full of blood,
Cups are not full of blood
but my bump is full of blood.


Son: Mom, do you know what potatoes are made of!?

Me: Um, what?

Son: French Fries!

Me: Oh, I think it's the other way around honey.

Son: No its not. And these are called Potater tots.


Anonymous said…
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Cannwin said…
Brandon Sanderson pretty much just rocks my world all around. I don't think he'll do a bad job and I think he's got enough of a following of his own that he can rise again. Either way he's already made himself buckoe bucks.
Lisa said…
I love it when you post stuff your kids say. It's so unpredictable and funny.
Anonymous said…
What an inventive boy. To make a song out of his bump.. and have it make sense.. and it's so funny. That has to be one of the funniest things i've ever heard.

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