The Kids are at it Again, Here's Some More Unbelievable Quotes.

-Backstory: We've got this fireplace in the front room that I'm learning all kinds of neat things about, like that it has this underground ash dumping spot directly beneath the fireplace (accessible through a trap door in the bricks on the fireplace floor). It also has two chains that extend down from the chimney with the letter's 'O' and 'S' on them.

7 y/o Daughter: Mom, what does the O and S stand for? Or does it spell Os? What's Os mean?

Me: There's no such word as Os and I'm not sure what the O and S stand for, maybe they are the manufacturers signature.

Daughter: What are the chains for?

Me: Well there's a big plate up in the chimney that when it's open lets all the smoke go outside. When it's closed all the smoke would fill up this room.

Daughter: Hmm, maybe the O and S stand for OPEN and SHUT.

Me-feeling rather stupid: Honey, you're a genius.


My daughter asks this of anyone she see's typing: "Do you use home-row too?"


Daughter (again): "Dad, I'm always forgetting things, one time I even wrote on my pillow 'wake up early' and I forgot!"


6 y/o son early one morning as I'm shuffling out of the bedroom: "I see your underwear! I see your underwear."

(giggles and runs to dad)

"Dad! I saw Mom's underwear."

(Dad chuckles as I run back into the bedroom, making a note to self about son's age.)


Anonymous said…
LOL! Great quotes. "What does Os mean?" Too funny. I love they way a kid's mind works.
Lisa said…
You know I love it. She is a genius. I don't think I would have thought of it either.
Winsor said…
Those are great. They made me laugh.
Claire said…
when I was reading, I was thinking "oh no" about the os thing because it is a word, but one I've only heard from the doctor when I was pregnant! So, I decided to look it up! Other than anatomy, it is also a synonym for esker, meaning "A long, narrow ridge of coarse gravel deposited by a stream flowing in or under a decaying glacial ice sheet."

I thought you'd enjoy that :)

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