Ho Ho Ho

So what did you get?

I got a 7 year old girl curled up in my bed at 3 in the morning sobbing that she couldn't open her presents yet. A nearly 2 year old who refused to open his gifts. And a present from my brothers and sisters (ralexwin's side) that absolutely rocked my world!

You guys are the best!

As soon as my loving husband said that they'd sent something that I'd be excited about I knew what it was but then I opened it up and held the book in my hands and squealed in delight.

Not only that but my awesome family got the author to include an inscription for me... Woo Hoo!

Brandon Sanderson rocks my world and I'm telling you if you like fantasy you will love, love, love this book (and the two that come before it).

Or if you like The Wheel of Time series than you ought to read these books since Sanderson is signed to finish TWOT for Jordan (who died last year).

I'm so pumped for it all. Ralexwin and I have been reading The Hero of Ages non-stop since Christmas every spare moment we have we lock ourselves in our room and read to each other. This generally means a lot of door pounding on the part of our children but we have managed to ignore it long enough to get several chapters a day in.

We're almost done and we are now having a hard time putting it down.

Oh, I love Brandon Sanderson's work. I could go on for pages.

But that's not why I'm here... I'm here to tell you that that was my best Christmas present.

What was yours?


The Paynes said…
THat's so funny, Trent loves the Wheel of Time . I'll have to let him know about this author.
Kaz said…
I got the complete series of FRIENDS on dvd. I already have all the seasons but they are from when they where originally put out but i have watched them so many times that some of the disc no longer work. So yay. And LOST season 4.

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