Funnies From the Family

My Daughter (7 y/o):
I just love love songs they make me feel soooo in love. Like I'm the one they are singing about and I get this warm feeling in my heart and just love.

6 year old son:
(pointing at my breasts)
Him: Mom, is that your special area?

Me: Well, it's one of them.

Him: Dad says that's where girls special area's are.

Me: It's not all but it's one.

Him: So some girls pee from there?

Me: Um... No *long detailed explanation of bodily function ensues* and you're special area isn't just for going potty. It has other purposes too that we'll tell you about when you're a little older.

Him: Hmm, but mom... they are so big and fat and round.

Me: Yes, honey they are.

Husband in phone conversation:

"Playing football has started feeling a lot like having to do wind sprints across the field."

6 year old son

"I only like ice cream cones on Sundays."

"I only have to comb my hair on Sundays."


Lisa said…
I freakin love when you post quotes from your family. They're my favorite to read. It's always a good laugh.
Polly Blevins said…
Those are funny! Watchy out for your daugher, she is a hopeless romantic...trouble coming her way and the other thing is that she is beautiful!

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