Funny Kids

(Background) I'm trying to get everyone out of the house in the AM when the baby comes to me with a missing shoe (at least the fifth one of the morning).

ME: Where is your shoe!? You just had it.

2 year old: I nuh no. (translation: I don't know)

ME: Alright everyone look for his shoe too.

(5 min later)

Me- at the end of my rope: BABY! WHERE... IS... YOUR... SHOE!

2 year old: I... NUH... NO!!!


(Background) I'm trying to get 6 y/o to read to me.

Me: I think that says 'thirty butterflies'

Him (exasperated): No! That says ten.

Me: Oh, ten butterflies.

Him: NO! There's no 'b' ... see it's got an L-E-G- and S... That spells legs, not butterflies. See... ten legs! You really should know that Mom.


This one doesn't need background.

7 year old daughter: Maybe the reason your heads been hurting so much is because of how much you yell.


6y/o: Being angry is bad, when you're angry you get screws.

Me: What?

6 y/o: At Guidance, when you are angry they put the screws in and when you're not, they take them out.

Me (still confused but sure I'm getting it wrong) acting shocked: They put screws in you at guidance!!!?

6y/o: No! We put them in the wood, silly.


Jenn said…
your little chicks crack me up!! I can only imagine how much FUN they!
Lisa said…
You know your conversations with your kids are my favorite to read.

It boggles the mind to try and figure out why they say the things they do.
Cannwin said…
Oh, thanks guys. I love writing them down because sometimes they just stop me in my tracks and I think... what the heck? I figure it's the sort of thing you should keep so they can chuckle at themselves when they were babies.

I don't do baby books I do baby quotes. lol

Lisa, I completely agree. sometimes we'll have a 'dry spell' and they don't say anything for a while and then we go through these phases when it's every other conversation, I can only imagine what their teachers think when they say things like "my dad is the meanest dad in the world!" as if it's something to be proud of.

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