Now You Get to See my Nerd

Alright here's my confession...

I grew up on Star Trek. Yes. I know all the character's. I know all the storylines. I know it all. I remember the crisp call from the house on a warm summer's evening, "Kids, Star Treks on."

I've even been to opening nights of the movies.

When my husband was doing some training for the military (away from me) we would talk on the phone and our conversations would often go like this:

Me: "So, what are you doing?"

Him: "Watching Star Trek on Spike TV. Did you know they have a channel just for men?"

Me: "Hmm, that sounds a little dangerous. Which Star Trek?"

Him: "What do you mean?"

Me: "Original? Next Generation? Deep Space 9?"

Him: "Oh. Next Generation."

Me: "What's the episode about?"

Him: "Well so far theirs this blond girl... her hairs really short and she's on this planet with this glob of black stuff."

Me: "Seen it. Her names Yar and she's gonna get it in just a minute."

Him: "Really? You think so?"

Me: "I know so."

It was a side of me I don't think he'd ever seen before... The Trekkie. So I have to tell you I think I'd pass up Harry Potter for the new movie coming out. And the director is J.J. Abrams which makes me even more excited cause he's good. He does Lost (which I love) and, Alias (which I followed religiously for quite a while). He's good.

So, yes. I'm a nerd... I'm a Star Trek nerd. But I don't go around wearing any paraphanelia (although I might get a widget, is that any better?)


Jennifer said…
Well, of course you're a nerd! You're one of us! It's mandatory in our family. :) All the cool people are nerds anyway.
Lisa said…
I love you more than ever.

I'm a Trekkie too. Captain Picard practically raised me and my brother. I know exactly what episode you were talking about. I've seen them all a few times over. I used to have a "Trekkie" bumpersticker.

Your post makes me want to hug you.
Pearl said…
Welcome, Fellow Nerd!
I can see your Star Trek, raise you a Dune and see you with all the Rush albums.
Cannwin said…
ooh, you got me on the Rush albums... I'm ashamed. *goes and cries in corner*

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