On The Menu For Today

So I need a shower, but instead I'm here using up the little battery power I get in the AM's when my dear Ralexwin switches his charged battery for my used up one. (I really need a new charger... I'm going on month 4 here).

Today Ralexwin is nervous about his first class so he left early to get a little more study time in. Why is he nervous? Well, there's this professor (we'll call him B) and his GA (graduate assistant) is in his last year of law school. We happen to know said GA and also happen to know that he will be putting in a good word for us with Pro. B when the time comes for reviewing applications.

Ralexwin, feeling a surge of innitiative, went and talked to Pro. B (who also happens to be the Family Law Professor) and mentioned that he was interested in family law... as well as the GA position. They chatted and now our dear Pro. B knows Ralexwin by name.

Good job! I think.

Fast forward a week or two and there is a case in class today that has to do with family law (it's a different class) and Pro. B emailed Ralexwin to tell him he would be calling on him to recite said case in class.

The pressure is now on. Everything could be riding on how well he impresses Pro. B and I think he's nervous.

See the thing is we could really, really use the GA position. Why? Well it drops our tuition down by 2/3 of what it is now. That means we would be paying around $3k a semester instead of the $9k we pay now. Plus!!! We would get a small (very small) pay to go with it ($2600 a semester).

*sigh* What would that be like?

Anywho... that's what he's up to today. I myself am off to buy a new homework folder for the girl child (the baby got a hold of her current one and it no longer resembles a folder) and then I'm going to go discover the local library (which is something I've been meaning to do for a while).

After that I think that I will return home for naptime and my newest read "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" which I confess I've never read before.

Continuing on in the day, perhaps Ralexwin will make an earlier appearance than usual (since he gets out of class an hour early today) and perhaps the children won't come racing into the house at 3:30PM screaming about snacks.

Perhaps my boss won't call me again to yell about the keys she swears I've lost (which I swear I haven't). And perhaps "The Counte of Monte Cristo" will come from NetFlix tonight.

All in all today has the promise of a good day. IF I screen my calls and have large pieces of cake sitting on the counter at 3:35PM.

We'll just have to wait and see, but the first thing I must do in my efforts to have a spectacular day is to shower and do my hair (which are the true keys to a happy day).

What are you up to this fine winter's morn?


Claire said…
our libray rocks! They order new books constantly and take requests. They have kid toys to check out too. I heart the library here.

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