Someone Drag Me Out Back and Shoot Me!

No post today. Cannwin is busy dying... of a sinus infection and stupid insurance.


Lisa said…
I'm so sorry. Being a mom and being sick is a bad combo.

The pioneer's had crappy insurance too.

I always compare myself to them when life's gets me down. It's doesn't always work.

For Example: I'm delivering at a very ghetto hospital (sigh) but it's better than a tent.
Anonymous said…
You poor thing! Sinus infection? Is this a one off or do you get them periodically? A friend of mine kept having them...she then had surgery on her flipping nasal cavaties...and still kept having them...come to find out... repetative sinus infections are a sign of wheat allergy! She no longer eats wheat and she no longer has sinus infections. If this is a repetative problem cut out the wheat and see what happens.

Hope you feel better soon!!!!
Cannwin said…
second SI in my life... I think it's a baby/low immunity thing since the other time I had one was with my Albowin when I was nursing him. What makes it always so horrid for me is I get them in these phases where I have to ENDURE. No decongestants for me. No that would be to easy... Cannwin gets to take Tylenol, for migraines! You can imagine how effective that's been. Poor Ralexwin has gotten calls at school all week with a sobbing wife on the other end trying to explain to him how I can't possibly pick up the kids because I can't see through all the pain.

After my first SI I've lived in fear of them with every case of the sniffles. They are horrible!

Lisa, I really do wonder how anyone survived without tylenol at least. I think I must be a wimp.
Claire said…
I'm sorry you are feeling so awful! If you need anything, I'm just up the street ya know! Don't be shy!

I think Vermillion has the plague or something. All the kids are deathly ill and the grown folks are starting to come down with crud of our own. Must be all this awesome weather we've been having...

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