Can't Miss the Good Stuff

This is a very sweet video I took while lying in bed sick to death with my dear girl... it's a bit quiet so you'll have to listen hard (I have yet to figure out how to not cover the camcorder speaker--I can't seem to find it).

I'll explain on the other side.

So did you catch it? She's saying that she's sad she's sick because she doesn't want to miss the brain when it comes to school.


Evidently, according to what she says there is supposed to be a human brain making it's scientific rounds to her elementary school. Some of the kids are apparently totally grossed out by this, but not my daughter. No, she thinks it's about the coolest thing to happen since her grandma handed her a frozen Gogurt.

So that's what she worried about all day yesterday and all day the day before. When her fever peaked at 104.4* her only concern was missing the brain.

I told her she needed to ask her teacher when they were expecting it to come so that we could prepare for it, but maybe she's forgotten. I'll have to remind her again.


Chelsea said…
She is so cute.
Cannwin said…
She is isn't she.

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