It's All in the Delivery

Me: You're less likely to get the raspberries if I walk in and catch you licking the container, so stop crying about it! ... In fact go clean your room.

7 y/o box licker: But I'm starving.

Me: Go.

7 y/o: Aaah! Mom! You are being so sensitive.

Me: The word you're looking for is INsensitive ... now go!


Me: Hey, guess what?

6 y/o man: What?

Me: I love you.

6 y/o: I knoooow, you always say that Mom. I wish you would stop.

Me: Stop saying "I love you?" Never. 'Cause you know what?

6 y/o: Ugh. What?

Me: I love you.

6 y/o: MOOOOOM!


Overheard in kitchen by the dad: That's not how we treat a banana.


7 y/o reading dictionary: Zucchini!? Why do they have that in here? Everyone knows what a zucchini is.


5 minutes later

7 y/o: Ask me if I'm an elephant.

6 y/o: Are you an elephant?

7 y/o: No, I'm a wierdo with a dictionary.


7 y/o: Now you say ... Ask me if I'm an elephant.

6 y/o: Ask me if I'm an elephant.

7 y/o: Are you an elephant?

6 y/o very seriously (as if he'd just been asked if the sky was green): NO!


Anonymous said…
Love it!

You know in England they call Zucchini, Corgette...if 7yr old came to England and asked for Zucchini they'd look at her like she had three heads! Ah the joys of communication...and am I the only one who ends up foaming at the mouth trying to use Dictionaries when I can't spell a word? You can't find a word you can't spell! Awkward must be one of the most flipping awkward spelled words! I'll never forget it after one night I nearly lost my mind trying endless combinations without any luck. I had to ask the Goblin...he knew. Of course.
Cannwin said…
Corgette? Why? Your English lot is a bit odd, don't they know how to use their own language! lol... just kidding.

I will tell her that though, she will find it interesting. I've explained to her before that the reason some words aren't spelled the way they sound is because it comes from another language other than english and the rules on how to sound out letters are different in say french.

I told her that at about 4 years old and she got it.

I have a friend that told her another use for the dictionary was to find out how to spell words. This got my friend and I into a heated argument about how I thought it was absurd to think you could actually find a word in the dictionary you couldn't spell.

After all, isn't that what google's for?

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