What Gadget is at the Top of Your Wishlist?

Have you guys ever hopped over to Plinky? It's this handy place where you can get prompts for your blogs (when you get stuck or you're like me and just feel like having a lazy day).

So they send you a weekly email with enough prompts to last until the next email. Usually I find these prompts a bit silly but today they had one I liked (see title).

What gadget do I want?

Oh boy will I tell you.

I'm dying for a Roomba. I've heard lots of great things about them and very little to no bad things. My mom even bought one and her carpets have never been cleaner.

So what's a Roomba (for those of you who can't bear to click on a link) it's a robotic vacuum you can program to clean your floors at certain times of day. It's incredible!

*sigh* It's also quite expensive--okay not that expensive, but when you're poor like me it's amazing what becomes frivolous--nearly $600 for the newest version.

Another gadget of theirs is the Scooba, which is like a robotic mop, but I've heard it's not as good as the Roomba.

So what is on the top of your list?


Claire said…
I have a roomba!!! It's awesome! You can get the less fancy version in the $200 range and it works great. My husband received it as a gift 2 years ago. I would have NEVER believed the thing would clean as good as a regular vacuum, but it does. Easy to clean and it runs about twice a day in my house and it is still working great!

I want a dehydrator so I can turn some of my summer efforts into food storage/winter food. I'd like a better digital camera too. That would rock.

I hope someone gives you a roomba. It's worth the price, even the cheaper version!
Lisa said…
I'm thinking it's a creepy alien cow.
Cari Hislop said…
I'd like a cheap computer scanner...which I wish I'd remembered earlier today when went to the store to get some office supplies...the computer store was just a few stores away...I could kick myself. I'm hopeing by now they're trying to give them away...I'd like one so I can upload old pictures and torture my family. If I had the money I'd buy a small compact digital camera that takes lots of good pictures...that's all I can think of for the moment...frankly if I had 600 for a vacuum...I'd hire someone to come clean my flipping house for however many months that would do it...one day... :)
Polly Blevins said…
I had heard of them but never a comment on how well they worked. Good to know, thanks!

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