Kids Funnies Part 134

I know I just posted one of these, but I had some new ones pop up that I had to share.

Daughter: Mom were you born in 1880 or 1980?

6 year old Son: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August... My birthday is August 22.

Me: No it's not.

Him: It's not!? (pauses to think) It's October!!!! OOOOOOOH that's so far away.


Yesterday at dinner:
Daughter: I have 5 favorite places to eat: McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Little Italy's, Dairy Queen and Mom's!

6 year old Son: Oh yeah, well I have four places I like to eat.


Day before that:
Me: Honey what's this sticky note on your folder about?
6 year old son: That's what my teacher gave me so I could remember the street I live on.
Me: But you don't live on Clark.
6 year old: My teacher says I do.
Me: Well, believe me, I know a thing or two about this one and you don't.
Him (frustrated): Ugh! then where do I live?
Me: Here I'll write it down for you okay.

*note: it turns out the 'teacher' was a substitute... probably the same one that believed the kid when he told her he rode the bus home.


Winsor said…
They are so fun. We miss you guys. It has been a long, long time since we last saw you.
Lisa said…
I still remember the one about the bus. I've re-told that one to a few people, I think it's so funny.

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