
If you've wondered why I dropped off the face of the planet, well I'm about to tell you. I lost my Internet connection... okay I lost my neighbor's Internet connection because they moved.

I feel deprived.

I feel withdrawn.

I feel like an addict without her drug!

I keep whining about all my readers not getting to hear from me (people are starting to look at me strangely).

So it goes like this, I'm going to have to blog when I'm at work (don't tell my boss that ). I work two days a week, so that means I'll have to stock up all my thoughts and then schedule the posts. It also means that I'm not going to be getting back to your comments as quickly as I would like, but don't stop commenting on me!

Don't give up on me, not just yet. The summer is coming maybe I'll be able to work something out with someone... or something.

Anyhow, there it is.

If you were wondering how else my week went, well the baby was sick again (103*F), and we spent an entire day literally laying in my bed (since he didn't want to go anywhere and didn't want me to either). The 6 year-old boy child got in trouble at school again, this time for yelling at another kid in the middle of class... at the top of his lungs I'm sure. And finally one of our dear friends is being evicted from her apartment because her stupid roommates didn't pay rent (she did, they didn't). She is going to be moving in with us until at least the end of the semester.

More great and random ramblings to come at a later date. Have a great day!


Cari Hislop said…
Hello Esperity,

I'm glad to hear you're not deathly ill. I was starting to think something weird or bizarre had happened to you! Did you get my scary self portrait? If not I'll send it again. I quite like how it turned out. Doesn't your local library have computers with internet access? All the ones over here seem to have them...there seem to be more computer than books, though they have a good interloan system so I can't complain too much. Anyway...I hope your baby is better and that internet connection comes your way soon! :)
Cannwin said…
I did not get your self portrait! You need to send it again... unless it was the flower blossoms (it which case that so doesn't count).

The baby is well for this week lol. I have considered the library but then I would have to take the baby and well, that doesn't sound fun. I guess I could take him and let him play in the kids section while I did my blog thing, hmm, I wonder....

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