One Bottle of VERY Expensive Wine.

It's mosquito season again and with all the rain we seem to have stolen from Seattle, the buggers are out en masse.

And guess what? They LOVE pregnant Cannwin. I'm like some vintage wine left in the cellar for 100 years and only recently retrieved. I am consumed with slow and deliberate appreciation by small parties of 6-10 blood suckers ata time.

I've always known my blood was particularly attractive to these minute vampires (especially where it pools in my ankles) but when I'm prego I must emit some sort of beacon... Like a flashlight on a moonless evening.

I've got about 10 bites from one afternoon of weeding. There's the one bequeathed to me by a mosquito so large I felt actual pain when it bit me, and several smaller groupings on my calves where adolescent groups must have enjoyed a party or two.

Whenever we go camping my mother in law insists we all take a daily dose of 'B' vitamin to keep the mosquitoes at bay, and it actually works... except I can't remember which 'B' it is.

So I'll have to endure, like always. I'm used to these types of bites, I'm even pretty good at ignoring the itch, I just wish I knew what it was that made my blood so much tastier than Ralexwin's.


Sara said…
what's your blood type? Maybe mosquitos like your certain blood type more than your husbands. Unless you have the same as him then I am clueless. I think it is B1 that is supposed to deter the little buggers.
Polly Blevins said…
Mosquitos like Will a lot too but maybe Win blood is not very tasty because they don't bother me very much either.
Cannwin said…
Interestingly enough I was informed by a girl at church that mosquitoes are more attracted to 'O' blood. I have 'O' blood.

Ralexwin does not... he has A.

He always gets a better deal. * wanders off grumbling*

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