The Broken Record

There are moments in the life of a child when they feel the raging desire to repeat themselves over and over and over again. As if by some small chance the mere imitation of a broken record will gain them the results they want.

"That's mine."

"Nuh, uh."





It crosses the mind of many adults at this point of the argument--'What would happen if I didn't stop them? Would they go on and on forever?'

There are other occasions when children think they will get an answer if they repeat themselves.

"Mom can I go play?"

"Can I?"

"Mom, I want to go play."




Other times they have occasion to amuse themselves with this same tactic. Like this past Sunday when the neighbor boy discovered that his dog barked every time the car beeped. (It's worth noting that I was trying to nap.)



Beep, beep

Bark, bark

Beep, beep, beep

Bark, bark, bark



Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep

Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark

The funny thing about this childish tactic is that it works against them as much as it works for them. Have you ever tried to use it on your kids?

It's great.

"Mom, can I go play at the park?"

"As soon as your room's clean."

"MOOOOOOOOM! It's t0o dirty. I can't do that by myself, please?"

"Sure, when your room is clean."

"Aaaaargh! I don't want to. How about after I go to the park."

"When your room is clean, you can go to the park."

"Your the meanest mom ever."

"I know I am, but at least your room will be clean."

*mwahahaha* I love it.

Sometimes parenting is so much fun. Like when you can one up your kids with their very own methods. I think stubbornness is a quality every parent should possess, that and the ability to have a little fun in every aspect of their job.

So next time be like me... play the broken record back at them.


Cari Hislop said…
Thanks for the laugh! I needed that!!! rock!!!!!
diplofam said…
Hi, Carin from Margaret's Hope Chest-just wanted to say thanks for helping us reach our goal of 400 quilts. Your hands are being used to bless a child. I think that is cool.

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