Kid Funnies Part Deux

Vicbowin to our basement roommate:

V:"Mom wants to know what you're wearing tonight?"

Melissa: "What's she wearing?"

V:"Black, that's all she ever wears when she's going out."

Iyawin to me:

I: "Becca is your baby?"

Me: "Yes, are you my baby too?"

I: "No.... I'm an alligator."

Iyawin, Albowin and Ralexwin at bedtime:

I: "Is 'Lissa my mommy?"

A: "No! She's your step-mom."

I: "Two Mommies!?"

R: "No, no, no. Melissa is our roommate not your step mom. A step mom is someone who marries your dad after your mom does something like dies."

Vicbowin after attending a Miley Cyrus concert:

"Miley's brother sang before her and he must have been hot because he took his shirt off, but you couldn't even tell he had his shirt off cuz he had so many tattoos. And his hair was long like a girls! I don't think that was very appropriate."


Jenn said…
I LOVE conversations with kids....I miss it with my own!

PS I like the new look
Cannwin said…
don't get to used to it... I've been tinkering around for days. The only thing I can decide is that I really like minima stretch, but that makes me limited on my backgrounds. Ugh.

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