Here Puppy, Puppy

"Thank you for calling ask-a-nurse, this is Jane. How can I help you?"

"Hi. My son bit his tongue pretty bad and I'm not sure what to do... I've never dealt with a tongue bite."

"How old is your son?"


"And what's his name?"


"Okay, and you're the mom?"


"Okay Mom, how did this happen?"

"He was pretending he was a dog."

"And what happened."

"He tried to jump onto a chair and went over it instead... and since he had his tongue out he bit it. There was ALOT of blood."

"Did you see this happen?"

"No, my daughter came running past me screaming like she'd seen a ghost. Then he came towards me with blood everywhere, so I got him to the sink and rinsed his mouth out until I could see what was going on."

"Is the cut more than a half an inch long?"

"No, but there's a cut on the top and on the bottom of his tongue."

"But not all the way through?"

"Not all the way through."

"Do you have ice."

"Umm, yes." (who doesn't have ice?)

"Alright, it's probably going to bleed on and off for several hours so you're going to want to have him suck on some ice to slow that down. Also, if you can get him to suck on a tea bag, the tanic acid will help as well."


"Unless there is significant swelling or odor he should be okay in a week or so. Soft foods are going to be best for awhile."


"We don't usually put stitches in tongues."

"Yeah, I guessed that."

"Tongues heal fast."


"Do you have any other questions?"


"Okay, you have a good day then."

"You too."

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IB said…
OUCH! That's gotta hurt. Poor kid. What about candy-canes? Any medicinal value in those?

btw- love the new header. What a pack of cute kids. And you? Quite the beauty!
Evelyn said…
I need that number.
Lisa said…
That picture makes me dizzy.
What a scary moment. Glad you survived.

And we rarely have ice.
Claire said…
I only have ice in the summer :) My freezer is too small for such frivolities :) That's quite a chomp he took out of that tongue!! I'd like to think doggie will be more careful in the future, but I'm guessing that is wishful thinking if my crazy son is any indication of sons in general.
Cannwin said…
IB- they did suggest popsicles, but seeing as it is 8* outside I don't actually have any. No mention of candy canes though.

thanks! I really like the way my blog looks I think it might actually stay this way for a while.

Mrs. Perkins- I called the hospital, they transferred me.

Lisa- you should have been here. :)

Claire-it's not the first blood spouting facial wound he's had. When we lived in Montana he once walked in front of his sisters swing... she got him twice, it wasn't pretty. I think we actually just tossed his shirt.
Michelle said…
Oh my! glad he was okay...funny that you were transcribing that phone call for us...LOL.
Cannwin said…
I tried to come up with the best way to describe the incident... the phone call seemed the most appropriate. :) It's always interesting having to explain why your kids are wounded.

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