Kids Funnies

First off I'd like to show you what the Mischievite did to himself at 4 AM this morning.

Why would I stick a bleeding baby into the tub? Because it's not blood it's the contents of a koolaid packet. It was all over him, but mostly around his neck...which gave the impression that his throat had been cut. Not a pretty thing to wake up to.

So as I was getting the Irish Twins ready for school (including doing her homework which got overlooked last night) and feeding Remewin I was also bathing Iyawin. Interestingly enough it was a rather calm morning and everyone got to school on time.

Okay. Kids funnies:

Last night 10PM Vicbowin and I in a physical tussle because she will NOT stop screaming and kicking. In a very serious/livid tone:

"I'm not using all my strength Mom because I don't want to hurt you... but I could if I wanted to."

Iyawin yesterday in the car:

"Knock, knock."

Me: "Who's there?"



"You can't ground me from my book! It's the only one I'm engrossed in."

Albowin upon getting glasses (blog post to come):

"Mom! Look how far I can see!"


"Mom your stomach is big! Are you going to have another baby?"

"No honey."

"How many babies are in there?"

"None dear."

"When do you think they'll come out?"

Albowin to the missionaries at dinner one night:

"I don't need to go to church I already know everything about Heavenly Father."

"Oh yeah... do you know what 'Exaltation' is?"



"I don't want to talk about it right now."


Sara said…
Those were funny! The picture scared me too! I can't imagine waking up to that.

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