Monthly Theme: Frozen Moments

Well I've finally come up with one for this month. The 'frozen moment.' I decided this would be fun since it's December and there is so much in the way of family and activities and parties and, well, life--exploding in every direction. Vibrant and happy.

What would be a better way to catch it all than in a photograph. Besides, I'm having fun with my arrows and notes.

So here is my second photo for you all in this months theme.

Stay tuned for many more to follow.

(click to enlarge)


Evelyn said…
I REALLY like it!! So much that I'd like to do it some day. (Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?? Yea. I'll stick with that!). So, do share how you do your arrows!
Cannwin said…
remember that program I told you

when you are in there you can change the edge of your lines to make arrows (I don't know if all programs can do this or just this one)

so that's what I did I changed the edge of my line and then drew it out to where I wanted.

Very nice feature.

It is a fun idea! It takes pictures that would otherwise be tossed out and makes them into something interesting.

Feel free to steal it (I totally did). ;)

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