Kids Funnies Part 278

A Soldier's Real Motivation
Vicbowin: Mom, what's this?
Me: It's a spear your grandma brought home from Africa for your dad.
Vicbowin: Why did she bring it home for him? Because he likes war?

Isn't It Obvious
Me: Did you eat the cake?
Vicbowin: No.
Me (teasing): Your brothers say you did.
Vicbowin (serious): Still didn't.

Using Their Vocabulary
Iyawin: That's a home.
Albowin: No, it's a kingdom.
Iyawin: No, it's a shortcut!

Midnight Queries
Albowin: Mom, why do grown-ups have such big beds?
Me (sleepily): Because more than one grown up sleeps in them. . . and sometimes a few kids too.

Those Short People
Albowin: Mom what if the dad was 30 and the mom was 20 and then the mom died!?
Me: Well, the dad would need to take care of the kids and would probably get married again.
Albowin: So Dad could marry Melissa or Elizabeth--she's pretty little but he could still marry her.

Going Against Expectation
Vicbowin: Mom when you get married do you have to do the sex thing?


Evelyn said…
Those kids of your are sharp little things!
Jennifer said…
Nice to know they've already got your replacement figured out! LOL

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