From The Mouths of Babes

(Laura Ingalls Wilder Day...
believe it or not she was excited about this)

Vicbowin last night:

"Please! I'm so hungry. Why don't you care? I just want some food. Anything, except vegetables, rice or meatballs!"


Albowin saying prayer (last night):

"Please help that we can eat something that I like."


Iyawin: "Nuh-Uh."

Me: "Yuh-Huh."

Iyawin: "Nuh-Uh."

Me: "Yuh-Huh."

Iyawin: "Nuh-Uh."

Me: "Yuh-Huh."

Iyawin: "Nuh-Uh."

Me: "Nuh-Uh."

Iyawin: "Yuh-Huh. . ." Giggles, "Silly Mommy!"


Vicbowin: "730 minutes, that's all? But that's not enough, I'm not gonna win now. How come I don't have 1000 like last week?"

Me: "Honey, 730 minutes is 12 hours, that's half a day..."

Vicbowin: "But I read 1000 minutes last week!"

Me: "And you only needed to read 250. . . I think you're going to be okay."


Iyawin (countdown voice): "1, 2, 8, 7, 9, 2, 5. Blast off!" (he really just makes the blast off noise, but I couldn't figure out how to write that.)


Vicbowin: "It doesn't matter what I get Dad for his birthday, he'll just throw it away."

Me (wanting to rip my hair out): "Oh, and have you seen him throw things away?"

Vicbowin: mumble, mumble, mumble

Me: "Have you?"

Vicbowin: "Well when I ask him if he likes what I made he just shrugs."

Me: "And that's the same thing as throwing it away isn't it?"

Vicbowin: shrug


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