Ol' St. Patty

It's the day for green. My friend Melissa would like everyone to know that you can also wear orange since the colors on the Irish flag are green, orange and white. She informs me that orange is worn as often as green on this great day in Ireland.

It is also my step-mom's birthday today. Happy Birthday to her! I have no idea how old she is.

I like St. Patrick's Day. Except for the ten minutes or so in the morning before I manage to find green. Ralexwin thinks it's a hilarious way to get me out of bed. I don't so much. I even considered drawing some green onto me last night, so as to avoid the inevitable morning ritual, but I was to lazy. This morning I raced around the room trying to find green while he tried to pinch me as hard as he could. It's not one of those sweet loving pinches either... no, it's the full on sibling sort of pinch, the kind that HURT. Maybe next year I'll remember to draw green on myself.

So how about heritage? Do you have any Irish in you? I myself have a bunch of German in me and some Welsh, as well as a good smattering of English. I'm not so sure about Irish.

There is one side of my family that we are have no idea about because my great-great grandmother (or something) was left on a doorstep. How very intriguing.

Ralexwin is our familial Celt. He has Scottish, English, and Welsh in him. I'm pretty sure his ancestors believed it beneath them to marry off the island. His Scottish line is McGregor (or however you spell it) and his English line is just a bit more familiar and used to own a certain castle before the royal family confiscated it.

I'm not sure about the Irish though. Hmm, I wonder.

I do have Irish Twins! Maybe we should celebrate the day for them.

Well, I have a certain eight year old girl at home sick and hovering over me wanting to use the computer, so I'd better go be a mom. As for the essay I promised... maybe I'll work on it today, maybe not.


Morgan Hagey said…
Irish twins don't make you a Irish, but they do make you a SAINT! So, Celebrate SAINT Patrick's day as you will. :)
Cannwin said…
oh, thanks. As it was I ended up just eating green frosted cookies with the kiddo's.

To many of them I might add, but whose watching?

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