Spring Break Day 4

Well Spring Break is turning out to be okay. Yesterday was the crowning day. I recieved a full ten dollars ("Ten whole dollars!") in the mail for my time spent as a prospective juror, I got an email telling me that a blog I submitted was going to be used (yay for me!) and I got my blog swap package in the mail.

Definitely the best part of the day. The kids have been waiting for it too. They saw me making my package and sending it off so they knew one was coming.

So what did I get?

A totally cool craft magazine that I'm now considering getting a subscription to.


Some seriously nice lotion.

Hot Chocolate

A little journal

Bath salts

And one supremely delicious smelling candle.

The chocolate's are all gone. The candle has already been used once. The lotion has already been slathered onto one adult body and four munchkin bodies, and I nearly told Ralexwin I would rather look at my magazine than read last night.

Thanks so much to my swapping buddy Tammy.

I think I'm going to have to this again next time Dandelion Wishes has a swap. This was to much fun!


♥ Noelle ♥ said…
yep, ate part of my chocolate right away too!! us swappers must be in a need of a chocolate fix lately!!

craft magazines = ♥
Cannwin said…
I try to restrain myself by looking at the calorie count, but that just makes me feel rebellious/guilty.
Mamarazzi said…
seems to be a common theme the chocolate thing. looks like a bunch of good stuff!!

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