Daylight/Standard Time

Spring break is finally over and I'm left feeling as if I've lost an hour of sleep.

Oh, wait. I have!

I am so sluggish, my brain feels congealed inside my head.

I've been floating around looking for blogging prompts thinking they would kick start my mind, but nope. I'm like a cold-blooded animal on a dreary, cloudy day.

I think I should go take a long hot shower, that probably will help.

Some time this week I'm going to write an essay for you all. I'm sure your excited.

But for today, this is the best your going to get. Sorry. I'm regretting it already, but what can I do, take my brain out and shake it?


P.S. The curtains are done.
Huzzah for me!

Please excuse the mess.


Polly Blevins said…
Your curtains look really good. Maybe you are pregnant. That is why your so tired. When I was preg. with Cole, I was so tired and I thought it was due to the time change. I couldn't figure out why it was wiping me out so badly that time.
Cannwin said…
Definitely not pregnant. I made sure that wasn't going to be happening for a while.
Jennifer said…
LOVE the curtains. Gorgeous. I am feeling inspired now. :)

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