Craft #8 (Picture holder for a Child)

I have a friend who says that it's funny how whenever I want to make something I seem to produce the most random objects out of nowhere--all of which fit exactly what I need.

This would be one of those projects.

What is needed?

-Blocks from your childs toy box.

-Scrapbooking letters. The big kind. (I got mine in this big book of paper letters at Wal-Mart... I use them for everything, totally worth buying)

-Some thick wire I had lying around... okay, Ralexwin had in his tool box, but still.

-Some ribbon, it can be the ugliest ribbon on earth, no one's going to see it.

-Oh, and Mod-Podge.


1.Mod-podge the letters to the blocks. Then sand edges if you want to have that rougher look.

2. Take the drill and put some holes into the tops of some of the blocks... use the size just smaller than the size of you wire.

3. Twist the wire around, making sure the end is sort of a flat spiral (like you would draw on paper). The spiral is what will hold the photo, so maybe have a picture you don't care about around to test it on.

4. When the Mod-Podge is dry take your hot glue gun and glue the ribbon to the back of the blocks (making sure they are all at the same level so they'll stand... and leaving a little room between each block so you can move them around).

5. Stick  the wires into the tops of the blocks and add pictures.

6. Move to an approved location and enjoy.

It's so easy you'll be up and running for your crafts as soon as you're done reading. Mwahahaha.


Wandered over from your blog!
Cannwin said…
Thanks! I happen to like it too. ;) hehehe

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