Craft: #9 (Kids Play Sign)

Over Christmas break we drove to Utah to visit Ralexwin's family. When we were there I saw this little rock sitting outside my sister-in-laws front door. On one side it had a smiley face and the other there was a frown. Obviously I had to ask her why on earth she had a frowning rock on her doorstep. She explained to me that it told the neighborhood kids that her kids couldn't play. If the smile was facing up they could. This saved on excessive knocking.

I loved the idea! So I made my own... of course. :)

This was super easy. It took paper, mod-podge, spray paint, a piece of wood, and some ribbon. The hardest part was drilling the little holes for the ribbon to go through... and that was easy!

I have yet to really try it out. Summer will be the true tester of it and I imagine there will be a transitioning stage for all of the neighborhood kids, but hopefully I won't have kids knocking on my door at 8:30 at night anymore!

PS I moved it the day after I took this picture because the wind kept flipping it over. Now it is just above the doorbell.


Jennifer said…
I've been planning to do something like this. We keep having knocks on the door and doorbell ringing right as we're sitting down to dinner.
Anonymous said…
I don't have this problem for my kids at all but I think your craft is very cute and if I did have the problem, I would make one too.
Evelyn said…
Haha! What a great idea!

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