Funny Things the Kids Say

I had so many things that the kids said this last week that I decided to do another post... It hasn't been to long since the last but I'm sure you'll enjoy them anyway.

Accurate Statements
-Albowin: "This is the horriblest day I never had!"

-Albowin: "It'll be like 10,000 years before I grow up."

Future Careers
-5 year old at the school while I was picking up Albowin: "Excuse me, you're in a no parking zone."

-Albowin: "If I was a bear or tiger I would still love you and I wouldn't eat you. But I would give you lots of licks."

-Mischievite to Remewin: "Hey Hagrid."

Head, Shoulders, Knee's and Nose

-Mischievite: "Mommy, my tummy is full." *BURP* "Hey! My tummy no full no more!"

-Mischievite after tussling with me over the snot he'd just pulled out of his nose: "HEY! I was going to eat that."


Jennifer said…
"lots of licks" Laughing so hard over that one!

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