Monday Morning

Today after I was done dressing Remewin I stood back and looked at how cute she was in her little outfit. Then I sighed and thought to myself 'To bad I'll be changing her in a few hours.'

Today Albowin discovered that he doesn't have to go to school at all during the summer. Since this is his second year of organized education (actually more like his third since he did preschool) I was a little dismayed that he hadn't picked up on that one. Nonetheless he went around shouting with glee and explaining to Vicbowin how they didn't have school ALL summer (she condescended to listen to him).

And today Vicbowin threw a fit about having to go to school sick... she has a stuffy nose. The Mischievite and Albowin got in a fight over a pirate eye-patch (which ended in me using the 'don't push it' voice), and finally after much wrangling, chivvying, and all out threatening the two older children were off to their daily duties.

A little after they left I looked down at Remewin's crawling form and spotted the tell-tale dark blotch just above her diaper. I sighed again and went to clean up the soiled mess.

All of this was done while wearing my husbands bathrobe (the uniform of professional mother's everywhere).

I think motherhood is getting the best of me. So I've decided to stop fighting it. I've decided to enjoy motherhood more. To enjoy the silly things--like when the Mischievite asks me where his 'eye match' went (he means patch) or Albowin shouts that it's 'the worstest day he's never had!'

I've decided to smile when Vicbowin asks me 'how come Remewin can stay home from church when she has a stuffy nose but she can't stay home from school with one.'

And I'm going to go buy fabric... because that makes me feel motherly. :) And I want to make one of these.


Jennifer said…
Oh, gosh, that bag is so clever. I have got to make one of them. And now I'm thinking about what else I can play with in origami... Ooh, ideas, ideas!
Lisa said…
She looks just like both of you. A perfect mix.

Hang in there. I live everyday controlling my emotions so I don't beat my toddler.
Evelyn said…
So much easier when we don't fight it, huh? I just want to sigh reading this. What's a mother to do, but sigh?
Tiffany said…
Yay for enjoying motherhood. Sometimes easier than it sounds though, for sure. Come visit The Power of Moms ( and find a place where mothers worldwide can draw strength from each other.

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